Friday 26 July 2013

Convalesce:Microsoft Launches IE-11

 IE is a hard product to love.web developers have complained that IE didn't follow standards. Moreover, Microsoft was black guarded for its browser releases since few years. But now no more. IE 11, which just launched with Windows 8.1 Preview, Microsoft finally recuperates.

For years,IE delivering the best daily browsing experience for getting to your sites quickly and using them together with Windows Store apps in Windows 8.1. Browsing feels fast, fluid and perfect for touch with many tabs, richer suggestions, organized favorites and side-by-side experiences for comparing sites and using sites with Windows Store apps together.
    Quick Acess

  • 100 Tabs: The Modern version of Internet Explorer 10 only allows you to have 10 tabs open at a time, but Internet Explorer 11 supports an unlimited amount of tabs. Microsoft says IE won’t slow down with 100 tabs open, as it will automatically unload tabs that aren’t in use and restore them when you access them again.

  • Live Tiles: Internet Explorer 10 allows you to pin websites to your start screen, giving you a tile that opens the website directly. Internet Explorer 11 allows these pinned websites to function as live tiles. Websites you pin can display live content just as if they were an installed app.
  • Touch for Hover Menus: Many websites still use menus that require you to hover your mouse cursor over something. This isn’t possible on touch devices. With Internet Explorer 11, you can touch-and-hold on a web page to simulate a hover event. In other words, you can use touch to interact with legacy websites that require hovering.

  • Tab Sync: In addition to syncing favorites, history, and settings, Internet Explorer can also use Windows 8.1′s integrated sync features to sync your open tabs across Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone devices.
  • Permanent Navigation Elements: IE 11 allows you to keep your browser tabs and the navigation bar on screen at all times. If you find IE 10 too awkward because these elements are always disappearing, you can choose to keep them visible. Tabs are smaller in this view so they take up less space on screen.
Favorites can be organized in a folder
  • Favorites Center:Reviewing the feedback on IE10 and knowing that in order to get to your favorite sites fast it is important that they are organized and easy to find. The new dedicated favorites center is only a tap away using the star button. Your favorites are organized using the same folders found in IE in the desktop. To make your favorites easy to recognize and faster with touch we have enabled a fun, visual way to choose a site image to represent your favorite. You can even enable your favorites to sync across your Windows 8.1 devices so your favorites always feel more personal and look more beautiful wherever you go.
  • More Interface Tweaks: Other aspects of the Modern app have also been redesigned. For example, browser tabs are now on the bottom along with the navigation bar instead of at the top.
  • Side-by-Side Browsing: The Modern interface allows you to snap applications with flexible widths, including a 50/50 view that allows you to have applications each take up half of your screen. You can also launch multiple copies of an app. This means that you could have two Modern Internet Explorer apps next to each other for side-by-side browsing. With a large enough screen resolution, you can have up to four apps — so you could have four websites side-by-side in the Modern interface.

  • HTML 5 Video Extensions: IE 11 has updated support for HTML 5 videos, including DRM extensions. Microsoft touts its Netflix support as a proof of concept. If you have IE 11 installed, you can go to Netflix and start watching videos without installing any browser plug-ins. Good riddance to Silverlight!
  • Should You Try IE 11?

    Once again, Microsoft has made some huge improvements in Internet Explorer with IE 11. IE has changed so much that Microsoft has removed the “MSIE” string from its user agent. Existing websites will look at Internet Explorer’s user agent and see it as a browser more like Firefox. Microsoft wants websites to serve web pages designed for modern browsers, not web pages designed for ancient versions of Internet Explorer like IE 6.
    If you’re already using Internet Explorer on the desktop, you’ll be happy to know that you can continue to use IE without missing out on the modern web. If you’re currently using Chrome or Firefox, it’s hard to recommend the desktop version of IE — Internet Explorer still doesn’t have the extensions other browsers have, and it also only syncs with other Windows devices, whereas Chrome can sync your browser data with Android and iOS devices.
    If you’re using a touch-enabled Windows device, Internet Explorer 11 offers the interface most designed around touch. Chrome’s Modern interface is the same as its desktop version, while Firefox still doesn’t offer a Modern interface. However, some people will prefer Chrome’s more classic interface, especially because it offers extensions and syncs with other devices that Internet Explorer can’t sync with — Android, iOS, older versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    If you’re using Windows 8.1, you should give IE 11 a try to see just how far Microsoft has come. You’ll find IE 11 most compelling if you use touch-based Windows 8.1 devices, a Windows Phone, and don’t need access to any browser extensions.
    Have you tried Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 yet? If you have touch-enabled Windows 8 hardware, which browser do you prefer? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Wow its nice and informative information keep it up. Best luck for your next post

  2. Microsoft seems to be too much serious about ie 11. It had arranged Bug Bounty programs with reward upto $11,000!
    (And the first person to discover a bug is a researcher from none other than it's rival, Google..)

    1. Exactly. Microsoft wants to recuperates.Ivan Fratric is the information security engineer at Google,who hunted IE 11 as the Bug Bounty program begun. It has ended yesterday and Moussouris's tweet will clarify all the things.
